Hannah and a few representatives from the CALIBA board will attend and speak at today's hearing on California's antitrust law (The Cartwright Act). The CALIBA board unanimously voted to add our name tothis letterby Economic Security CA Action in response to the Tech Platform Report.
The event will include hearing from experts and the general public on how they should strengthen (or not) existing laws which govern mergers & acquisitions and if California should further regulate big tech platforms (e.g. Amazon, Google, etc). The experts will discuss some of the potential harms not currently addressed in California's existing laws including practices such as bundling, exclusive dealing, non-competes with employees, price discrimination, self-preferencing products on platforms, data mining, and below-cost pricing which harm small business owners.
Thank you to those who have submitted a statement for the hearing. If you would like to attend, you must register through the link below:
June 20, 2024 Meeting - Agenda (ca.gov)
You must be registered to attend.
According to the minutes, public comments will be taken in the afternoon. CALIBA will report back following the hearing.
You can still send a personal statement, even after the hearing!We have a couple templates provided by theABA or written by Elayna Trucker, CALIBA board member and chair of the political action committee, that you can use to craft your own statement. You can find more information on the hearing as well as talking points for your own statement in this tool-kit. Please email your statements directly to Sharon Reilly, the CLRC’s executive director, at: sreilly@clrc.ca.gov