Promotional Opportunities

Digital Promotions: Email, Website & Newsletter

*New!* Book Themes - Monthly Social Promotions

We've created a NEW way for you to get your books in front of booksellers and their customers! Monthly social media assets offer prime space to showcase your books via our booksellers' social accounts directly to their audiences. Your book will be included in a social post with cover art, blurb, social tag, and hashtags. 

Include your book cover and 1-2 sentence blurb.

Size: 5 mb and 600 pixels wide or less

Formats: jpg, png

Rate: $100 per book

Please note: we are creating public-facing social media assets for bookstores to utilize in their marketing.

Submissions due 2 weeks before post date.

Final assets will be delivered to Booksellers 1 week before post date.

Questions? Contact

*NEW!* Shelf Insider - Seasonal Newsletters

Want to maximize visibility for your latest titles? Our NEW seasonal newsletters offer prime space to showcase your books to our engaged booksellers and their audiences. Your book will be included in an email listing with cover art, blurb, and a contact link for ARCs or galley requests.  Reaching over 1,000 booksellers, our first Shelf Insider had a 48% open rate.

Include your book cover and blurb

Contact link for ARCs, galley requests, or another page

Rate: $275 per title for members, $300 per title for non-members

Timeline for submissions: 

SPRING - Submissions open January 6th, newsletter sends February 11th. 

SUMMER- Submissions open April 9th, newsletter sends May 14th. 

FALL/WINTER - Submissions open August 1st, newsletter sends September 10th.  

To reserve your title space, please fill out this form or contact

E-blasts are a great way to promote your titles to CALIBA's booksellers and bookstores. For consumer-facing promotions, check out our Fall Catalog Marketing Campaign powered by RAMP. 

Eblast emails have 765 bookseller subscribers and growing, with an average open rate of 43% and 4.79% click through. Add to that 3200 impressions through or social media streams.

Member rates: $325 per blast.
Non-member rates: $400 per blast
Size: 600 x 800 (max)
Formats: jpg, gif, html
Blast can include clickable link.

Include your email subject line and the alt text for the graphic. 
For Animated Gifs:
5 mb and 600 pixels wide or less

Schedule an Online Appointment

 For more information contact

Newsletter Promotions

CALIBA News is a weekly e-chronicle filled with happenings throughout the state, as well as job postings, links to the Northern California/SF Chronicle Bestseller List, the Southern California Bestseller List/LA Times Bestseller List, and important information from throughout the state.

Our newsletter goes out to 1000 bookseller subscribers and growing with an open rate of 50.31% and 7.91% click through. Add to that 3200 impressions through our social media + expanded life in our website news feed.

Banner Ad (600 x 170 pixels, 72 pip jpeg or gif.)
$525 $625 per week top placement
$425 per week mid placement

Please include a click through link and alt text for the graphic.
This is a member-only benefit.

Schedule an Online Appointment


Additional Newsletter Content

Book Trailers, Recipe Cards, downloadable shelf talkers, etc. $225 per week


Website Opportunities

*New!* One-month exclusive banner on our homepage ($550 $650)

Add a one-month exclusive banner on's homepage! Placement directly under homepage slideshow and next to sign in.

Size: 560 x 180 (max)
Formats: jpg, gif
Can include clickable link.

Schedule an Online Appointment

Contact to schedule.

Combined Regional Banner Promotions

A banner campaign that places ads on the web sites of each of the eight regional booksellers trade associations (SIBA, MIBA, GLIBA, NEIBA, PNBA, CALIBA, MPIBA).Get instant national industry exposure. Banners run for a week and placement is exclusive.

Banner Ad Sizes – both formats are required: Horizontal (440x125) & Vertical (125x440)

Formats: jpg, gif

Size: 250K maximum. The smaller, the better.

$999 for the week.

Deadlines: 5 days before run date. Banners from Tuesday to Monday, in order to take advantage of publisher book release schedules.

Send creatives to:

Schedule an Online Appointment

Promotional Opportunities for Authors

Watch out for our Call for Authors for our live events with California booksellers:

  • Spring Forums

  • Fall Fest

Have an idea you'd like us to consider? Let us know! Contact: