CALIBA has been notified that there have been scammers misrepresenting a bookstore. The scammers represent themselves as Book Scouts using the bookstore's names, logos and information to target self-published authors. The scammers have offered authors: 1. To publish their book, asking for the authors to contribute several thousand dollars to make that happen, 2. Purchase a large quantity of books for display in the store if the authors pay hundreds of dollars for "the bookstore" to purchase them.
If this happens to you, the ABA recommends you advise the victim to:
· Document everything. Take screen shots. Save everything.
· Report the email communications or sponsored posts they've received as spam/phishing/fraud to their email provider or social media platform
· Report to theFBI
· Report to theFTC
· Report to theAuthors Guild
· Report to theBetter Business Bureau
· Report to yourlocal district attorney’s officeor yourCity Attorney
· Report to ABA. They are reporting and creating a file in the hopes that as the file grows (unfortunately) FTC will take this more seriously.