Publishing Professionals

Publishers, Sales Reps & Book Industry Professionals (Non-voting)

Individual $150
Large House: $550 (up to 6 sales reps)
Small House & Commission Groups $250 (up to 3 sales reps)

  • Publisher membership covers all wholly-owned imprints, employees, and house sales reps; does not cover distribution clients.

  • Commission Book Rep Group membership covers all employees, and reps operating in our region; does not cover rep-ed clients.

  • Distributor membership covers all employees, and reps operating in our region; does not cover distribution clients.

  • Book industry professionals (agents; media; publicists; book reviewers; etc); greeting card, gift, toy, and other non-book vendors; and book industry service providers.

Membership includes:

  • Discounted admission/exhibit space to our annual Fall Discovery

  • Free or discounted rates at education and member programs

  • Subscription to our weekly e-newsletter & bestseller list

    • Stay up-to-date with industry, association and bookstore news

  • Access to our online Rep Directory

  • Post your job openings in our classified ad

CALIBA's top priority is to serve our bookstore members. If we determine that an individual or organization's actions do not align with the best interests of our members, the Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse or terminate their membership.

Fall Catalog & Campaign Powered by RAMP
Author Appearance Opportunities
Golden Poppy Book Awards
Rep Directory

We need your publisher and contact information for our Rep Directory. Available online, make it easy for booksellers to stay in touch. Keep us up to date with changes in contacts, phone numbers and your publications and imprints so we can provide the most current information to our members. Email

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