A whole-hearted thank you to all the publishing and industry professionals who participated in CALIBA’s Fall Fest last week in Pasadena. It was our first show in Southern California as CALIBA and we worked hard to make it a success for our members. We are excited to announce that we had 153 booksellers, from 63 stores across the state, in attendance. 60 of those booksellers traveled 200+ miles to be there. Also, 49% of them were first time attendees!
The Exhibit Hall was packed with 60+ vendors for our booksellers to meet and browse, including 4 first time exhibitors. We hope it was a great experience for all of you. The mostly-new CALIBA staff appreciates your patience and the kindness you showed to us throughout the months-long process of coordinating it.
We also hope you pass our thanks on to your authors that participated in our panels and the Speed Dating Event. The booksellers truly enjoyed the conversations and learning about all the exciting new and upcoming titles. They are all very excited for their books and I know they’ll be supporting and hosting events with them in-store soon too!
We’d be remiss not to thank the handful of publishing professionals who participated in our education sessions. Your willingness to share your expertise and knowledge with our booksellers is greatly appreciated.
Finally, we are so grateful for our California Sales Reps who participated in the wildly popular Rep Pick sessions. Our booksellers love them and we hope that you feel that energy in the room with you.
Our industry connections are very important to us. CALIBA is only as strong as its members and friends. We always send out post-event surveys, but this year’s is even more important since I am new to the Executive Director position. I know what booksellers want and need, but I will always accept guidance for what our industry connections need from a partnership with CALIBA. Please fill out or share our various surveys so we can continue to make CALIBA’s Fall Fest events successful and fun for all involved!
Hannah Walcher
CALIBA Executive Director